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Indiana Holistic Health

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At Indiana Holistic Health, we specialize in a diverse range of modalities, including Clinical Massage Therapy and Trauma Therapy. Our skilled practitioners provide targeted relief for physical discomfort while fostering resilience and healing from trauma, creating a sanctuary for holistic well-being and renewal.

A New Frontier: Exploring Kratom Extract Innovations

Kratom is a tropical plant with leaves that can be chewed or smoked. It is also available as a powder or liquid extract that can be added to beverages. It has stimulant effects at low doses and sedative or narcotic effects at higher doses. It is also used to alleviate pain and to treat drug withdrawal symptoms. This natural herb has become popular in the US, where it is sold as a herbal remedy. The kratom leaf contains a mixture of indole alkaloids and flavonoids that have been shown to provide medicinal properties. However, the concentration of the active ingredients varies greatly depending on the extraction method. This is why it is important to know about kratom extract before using this substance.

Botanical extracts have been used throughout modern history. They have been used to reduce fevers, ease aches and pains and improve digestion. They have even been used as a substitute for certain prescription drugs. Historically, extracts of a botanical were made by boiling or steaming the plant. Then, the liquid containing the beneficial phytochemicals would be distilled. Then, the extract could be consumed orally in capsule form or used in a variety of other ways.

Today, there are many different types of kratom extract. Some are a tincture, while others are a pure powder that can be dissolved in water or another liquid to create a tea. Kratom powder is typically used as a stimulant, while a tincture can be used to relieve pain. Some people report that a tincture helps with depression and anxiety. It is also used to combat opioid addiction.

The kratom plant (Mitragyna speciosa Korth) is indigenous to South East Asia and is grown in Southeast Asian countries. It is a 4 to 16-meter high tree and its leaf-preparations, called kratom, are consumed as invigorating tonics or sedatives. At a low dose, it produces invigorating effects and euphoria that last one to one and a half hours. At a higher dose, it has sedative-narcotic effects and increases work capacity.

Extraction technique, time, and type of solvent play a vital role in the extraction of targeted and non-targeted phytochemicals from a plant. Besides water, a number of other extraction solvents are frequently used in commercial plant-based preparations including Soxhlet and maceration extraction techniques. These solvents can differ in their polarity and hydrophobicity, which influences the dry yield and mitragynine content of a plant extract.

The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of varying extraction times and solvents on the dry yield and mitragynine contents of a kratom leaf extract. In addition, ASE ethanolic and methanol leaf extracts were tested for cytotoxicity and antinociceptive effects in mice. The ASE aqueous extract showed an improved cytotoxicity and antinociceptive profile when compared with methanol and ethyl acetate kratom leaf extracts. The results suggest that the ASE extraction technique may offer a more effective, safer, and cost-effective method of testing botanical extracts for use in preclinical tests.

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